Desert Island Discs 8.

Desert Island Discs Day 8.

Music to drive to

I love my car, it's had one careful lady owner since I bought it 16 yrs ago.

I love my car. The best bits are the red dash board that matches the exterior paintwork, the retro aluminium petrol cap, the brushed steel accelerator pedal and the leather covered steering wheel with ergonomic thumb rests.

I love my car, even though it only has a basic radio cassette player with just one tape that I play over and over: Showbiz by Muse.

Muse had me in mind when they wrote Showbiz it is great music to drive to. I turn the volume to max, put my right foot flat to the floor and drive.

This track is actually Uprising by Muse from 2009, which I think is superb, but I don't have in my car.
On my desert island I will play Muse and remember amongst others, the A 303, Bison Hill, Snake Pass or my all time favourite the Road to the Isles.

What is your favourite road?

This is the last of my 8 discs, tomorrow I will reveal my choice of book and luxury item.

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