A confused genius

By Lez11

The stag doo

Daves stag doo started with beers at 8.42am on the train to Bristol. By the time we got to bristol and its a knockout we all had about 6 pints each. Upon arriving we all had to sign a disclaimer and one of the points was: we wasn't intoxicated, whoops!

It's a knockout was class apart from it was -6, snowing and most of the games had water in them. I haven't laughed as much in ages as I have done today. Also I have never been as cold as I was today ever, I'm still freezing. Out team Tipton factor finished joint 3rd out of 10. We should have won but 3 of the lads sacked it and went to the bar after game 2, (there were 6 games).

We got the stag a t-shirt, flag as he spent more time as linesman than he did playing football. We are now up town partying, don't forget what happens away stays away!!!!

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