A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother

Busy, Busy!

Last night Dan & I went out for his friends birthday party! I had my hair done, we both put our clobber on & hit the town! Was a very good night! Met lots of lovely people!

Today we went to the Folk Museum. They have a lovely 'Childrens Toys' wing! The boys put on a puppet show for us & played in the wooden Wendy House!

We were going to pop into McDonalds today as Ronald McDonald was visiting, but it was so busy we decided to save our time & go straight home!

I've also had a cake order to do today, 47 for orders, 6 for dessert, lots of mini cakes for the kids & some for work!

Dan made a lovely dinner! Prawn curry, brown noodles, coconut rice & spring rolls! Yummy!

Can't wait till both the kids are in bed, might treat myself to a drink!
(then again I may just fall asleep, but at least it'd be on Dan!!)
I hate sleeping without him! LOVE WEEKENDS! x

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