good job the sky's got a bit of colour...

spitziland has, quite correctly for this time of year, turned into a land of white with black bits. As the sun went down the white went blue (to match my fingers?) but thankfully the sky did us a favour and let in a bit of pink and a bit of light.

Today I...sorted out bikes, sorted out ex-kitchen stuff so the the carpenter can finish off while we're away, cooked and baked enough food to feed Mr. Spitzi for a week (too busy to cook anything or to daft to remember to feed himself? ;-), packed stuff for a week in the mountains with a whirl of overexcited Small person (she can do enough overexcited whirling for ten) a confused Middle person (general current state whatever happens) and an exhausted Big person (exhausted from a week in the mountains...). It was impossible to know what I'd packed and where I'd packed it and there were moments when I lay on the floor and groaned. But I think we have it all now. Sadly, including a laptop and a shedload of work for me, which had not been my intention at all :-( Luckily I managed to finished my very LARGE book about Dickens last night (is it a spoiler to say he died in the end?) and can go back to reading James Lovelock's Gaia books which are as light to carry as they are heavy on my poor little brain.
Next Blip will be from The Other Side

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