close up

I finished her off today. If you want to see a before and after, look here .

OK it's not a before and after. I got another. BUT SHE WAS ON SALE. She was only fractionally more than the current bid on her outfit that I am selling on ebay. It would be wrong not to. WRONG. especially when I hope to sell this one. Eventually. When I am done having fun with her.

I got her at the badger farm where we went to get more jammiejammies. I bought a mans dressing gown because the choices for women were
dark pink
black. With pink roses.
Cream. With pink hearts.

Fucking irritating in girls clothing, it gives me insatiable rage in grown ups. For gods sake, there is a whole spectrum of colours out there Sainsburies.

Anyway, it was heaving in there, as bad as christmas, apparently full of frenzied shoppers expecting the icy apocalypse and buying sleds.

There has been no snow yet
It's not really been below freezing much, to be honest.

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