Water Ice Day

The children disguised as icicles by Seafield Pond, West Barns. After a beautiful sunrise the clouds rolled in and rained on us all day. As I write this, the clear sky has reappeared just in time for the sunset - but we're all wrapped up warm with hands wrapped round hot cups of soup so we'll skip the sunset for today.

Big Freeze.

Duncan is off to a friend's birthday party so we went for a walk round the pond before that. The surface of the pond is water, but it's frozen just beneath. Katie and Gordon managed to haul out slabs of ice and so we all joined in despite the inevitable wet-through gloves and numb fingers.

The Lego and Playmobil were pressed into service today and it looks like a game of Creationary is about to kick off, so my building skills will be tested :)

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