Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

The Tree That Isn't There

When I bought the house 12 years ago, there was a big tree right next to it. It pre-dated the house by a long while and was owned by the Council as it grew in a path alongside the house.

Over the years it got bigger and more ivy-clad. In high winds its upper branches thwacked against the roof.

After 4 years of nagging, a lovely chap from the Council came out when they heard about the tree/car incident last month and decided it was a danger as by now it was almost totally covered in thick, heavy ivy.

In true Council style though, they never said anything about when it would go and I came home yesterday to find it no longer there.

The thing was MAHOOSIVE but according to my neighbours, it only took 8 burly men one hour to fell it and shred it. And I missed a good blipportunity.

The world needs more trees, not less, but it was no longer healthy and was an increasing danger to mine and a couple of other houses.

Still, the house feels oddly exposed now.

Mental note to self: no more walking out of the bathroom naked when the landing curtains are open.....

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