And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Well that was a wee bit chilly!

To say the least minus 3 too cold but thats the beauty of a dog you have to get up and go, plus we dropped Dan at work at 730 so we had a nice stroll on the south cliff and the italian gardens, it was lovely to watch the sun come up the colours were intense and made me feel good inside :) we bumped in to another dog Daisy she took a shine to Ash :) they run for a while her owner couldn't get her on the lead as she was having far too much fun, i sat on a cold bench took my gloves off shouted daisy in a high pitched voice she came running and i gave her cuddles and held on tight till her owner clasped her lead and thanked us as he was running late for work. Good deed done for today :) im going to clean, do some washing catch up on blips today, tonight we are off out for a few drinks :)

love c happy snapping xxx

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