Tucking In ...

I went outside this morning when I got up to let Fudge have his morning romp around. I noticed a wasp still tucking in on a banana I left out for the insects yesterday.

I am so pleased I thought of putting some fruit out for them, they really are enjoying it.

I also saw a fly eating a banana, I didnt know which image to put on, but the wasp one seemed to just stand out a little more to me.

I cant believe when you are sitting so close to them, you hear them buzzing away, they sit on your hand and fly away straight away, Eric said "They will sting you, you know". I know they could do but they are more interested in the fruit than my boring hand, haha. Or I am totally mad, (dont answer that either, haha).

Seriously though it is great fun watching the insects, you learn alot about them, and it is so relaxing watching the wasps rolling little pieces of banana into little balls and the flies sucking the banana up through their mouths which look like little straws.

I just had a read of my blip a year ago today and I was chasing Fudge around the garden then, haha, funny that, but then again he is always in the garden, Bless his little fluffy tail.

Have a great weekend all, enjoy ...

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