Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones


I had a dream last night. I dreamt of the most amazing 'Refreshing' photograph for the 3rd Feb challenge. It was a portrait of me and the husband, running nonchalantly through a beautiful frosty pastel scene in our underwear, looking very pale and muted as we vanished into a fog presumably produced by some engulfing hot spring in the woods. I woke up, looked out of the window and saw that there was indeed a beautiful frosty scene outside. I dug out my swimming stuff. I had half an hour spare, and I spent a good amount of time trying to dare myself to run out in my (not nearly so picturesque as my dream scene) back garden with the camera on timer. Trouble is, our little square patch of grass is overlooked by at least 6 other houses... and I did question wether this would be the wisest venture (in the name of art, of course) in my very pregnant state. In the end, I decided that the final image would never ever live up to the dream photo in my head, so the only possible outcomes would be potential hypothermia, a dodgy photo and a ruined reputation with our new neighbours. So, instead...

I made some beer bread. It is a new discovery in our house, and is quite simply the easiest bread ever to make. 3 cups of SR flour, 1 bottle of beer, 2 tbsp sugar. Bake for 50 mins at 175 (155 fan oven) et voila. Rises perfectly, tastes divine - husband says it's the best bread he has ever tasted. We are getting through a loaf a day. It is simply scrumptious when served toasted with lashings of butter. The colour of the crisp cold beer against the frosty pastel tones out of the window is indeed a refreshing sight to my eyes. The way in which the beer then instantly bubbles and froths as it meets the flour is scrumptiously satisfying to the senses. Just imagine the sound of the beer fizzing away sweetly as you look at this photograph. Ahhhhhh.

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