Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Une lune Vendredi :-)

Another lovely sunny day, frosty this morning -6 C dans mon petit appartement
It is a little hazy out just now, but I can see Venus, Jupiter and the winter triangle.
What's that?
It's a triangular asterism of three bright stars, namely Betelgeuse, Procyon and Sirius.
I believe this was brought into astronomy parlance by Sir Patrick Moore
The moon is directly above Betelgeuse at the moment 1930hrs UK time, Procyon is the bright star to the left.
The third member of the group is Sirius, which is the brightest star in the night sky.
Sirius is a beautiful star to look at, as it never seen very high above the horizon in the UK, it's just lovely to see it sparkle and scintillate in the night sky.
Hope you've all had a good day and that you all have a brilliant weekend :-)

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