Euan Having a Laugh

Some day!
We have staggered fitfully from crisis to crisis but have thankfully just about avoided panic and disaster!
A burnt cooking pot was set out the back to cool. Rona later decided to investigate it and discovered a small gap in our defences. She must have wriggled through and found herself on top of a wall some 3 1/2 feet above the pavement. She then hopped down and wandered along the pavement looking for out front gate. As it happened, I looked out the window and saw this tail above our wall. "That looks like Rona's tail", I thought followed by "****, it is Rona's tail!" Ran out, rescued dog, nearly had to go and lie down in a darkened room!
We later took Euan and Ali over to see Auntie Fifi for lunch. Euan had a wander round before climbing up on this chair and looking, as photographed, very chuffed about this accomplishment.
Happy weekend blippers!

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