Swampys stuff

By swampy316

Frozen water

Ok i left it a bit late today to go out but pleased i did. When i got to my normal spot the wholr river was frozen. Looking where my lady normaly fishes it looked like she had tryed to brake the ice lot of little white dots like she had been pecking the ice. So i found a huge stick and smashed a big area of ice away. Waited she came when i was not ready but she stayed to let me get this pic then flew to a nearby bush. Didn't hang about as new she needed to get some food plus i had to go further up the river making big ice holes for the male thats about a mile from her and a few more futher on incase there are any more about i think she was pleased so will be down there tomorrow to do the same. If you live near a river thats freezing plese do the same so these little birds can survive thank you.

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