Dogs Days


Two - Nil !

I've been for two walks today and not had to have my feet washed, now that's a result. I went for a walk this morning when the Humans were checking the sheep and didn't get my feet washed when we came back. Then I spent the whole day upstairs as my Humans are scraping the wallpaper of the walls downstairs in the sitting room. They even came looking for me at one point as they were worried about me but I was curled up on my sheepskin upstairs.

I only surfaced when my Back Up Human arrived. I rushed down stairs and welcomed her, she just burst out laughing and said that I obviously wanted fed and walked to be showing so much enthusiasm. She just always seems to know what I am thinking. I got my tea and went for another walk and again didn't have to get my feet washed, I love this frosty weather.
Luv Ginnie Xx.

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