This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today I got up late. I was awake, but I just couldn't quite greet the day as early as usual. I was supplied with a cup of tea so I just relaxed and looked out the window, it was a lovely way to start the day. Then some time passed and we went out to meet some fellow blippers at the Mosque kitchen for a curry. It was lovely to meet Red, EcoDad, Tractor Factory, Wingpig and I got to see Just Sitting and little sitting and MAIT for a second time. The curry was great and I hope I get a chance to see them all again.

Then Stewart and I wandered about town some more (our average of 4.5 miles) still sort of searching for a teapot. I am looking for a cool, well designed but not expensive 4 cup tea pot. If you know where I should go please let me know. We looked in a lot of shops and ended up in Jenners for some coffee and a strange snack... a snowball. It would go nicely with that sick berry cider I had the other night (in the not to be repeated category).

It was another lovely sunny day and again it was lovely to meet so many blippers!

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