Serendipity moments

By MissSerendipity

A little bit of spring!

It's been so cold this week and it feels like spring will never be here. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and if spring won't come to me I will go to spring, so at lunch today a popped out and purchased two bunches of tulips!

Another manic day it's seems that normality is just a dream and not a reality!

Had a catch up with one of my best friends from London this evening which was well overdue. We started working together in 2003 when I moved down to the big smoke and we've remained close ever since I just wish we could see more of each other. He's one of those friends though who no matter how long it is since we last spoke or saw each other when we do get in touch it's never uncomfortable or weird we just pick up where we left off!

A beautiful Joni Mitchell song!

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