
I had to admit it this morning. I didn't want to but it crept up on me and clubbed over the head and l was done for. Didn't even make it to my first lesson. Pain was too much and I broke down, fortunately with good friends on stand by to pick me up.
Came home and have spent the day with hot water bottles and painkillers that keep knocking me out. Me, the sofa, the tv, my blanket and the cats.
Apparently I look like crap today but I am past caring.
Spare a thought for those around you who might well be suffering with chronic pain and symptoms that remain I diagnosed, who feel that they are not being taken seriously by the people who could be helping and who try on a daily basis to get on with life even though it takes every last ounce of energy they have to keep going. It is hard, it is harder still when there is no outward evidence of there being 'something wrong' and when it feels that people might be dismissing real pain and real feelings as being something imagined or blown out of proportion.
I feel utterly zapped right now.
Apologies to colleagues who might have stepped up to the plate for me today. If I impacted on your time, I hope you know that it isn't something I enjoy or wanted to do. Would much rather be in work with the kids than here, trying hard not to cry like a big baby.

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