Pixel H

By PixelH

A wee oasis.

I discovered somewhere new today and I should have found it a lot sooner than this. The botanic gardens in Cambridge. They lie across the road from where I work and its a fantastic oasis of calm and coolness in the heat and noise.

This little lady kept zooming in and of shot for the whole half hour I was sitting on the edge of the pond. As I was about to give up and go back to work she obligingly landed for a few tantalising moments to lay eggs on the pond weed. Bless her. She's an Emperor Dragonfly (or an Empress Dragonfly if we're going to get all PC about it), very pretty and definitely one of the biggest I have ever seen. She's obviously been around a while by the state of her wings.

Anyway, there are a whole load more photo opportunities in those gardens and its a brilliant place to cut my photographic teeth on. Save the Dragonfly....

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