The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

A Lovely Pair of Tits.....

Blue Tits that is, more of my bird table, but I have run out of Fat Balls and they only have the Peanuts to eat at present, so I must buy some more this week.

We have done the last but one stock take this week and it's been successful as we are just one pack of bricks out with almost 6,000,000 on stock, not bad going.
The packers have less than 250,000 bricks left to pack and then that will be that, so some time next week the last bricks will be packed, more than likely on Thursday afternoon.
I will be videoing the last bricks packed as a visual memento for posterity and put it on Flickr for all to see.

On a brighter note, we have been out to buy me more clothes tee shirts this time, its time for a new wardrobe I think.

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