Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Small Syringe

I'd promised Moses that I'd take him to the vet if he wasn't better in the morning. So, of course, this morning he greeted me with clear eyes and an enthusiastic good morning at the cage door!

However, mid-afternoon I noticed his nose schnuffling, and both his eyes were once again dribbling porphyrin (a red stuff that rats have in their tears and so on). So I called the vet and took him in.

I saw the same vet we'd seen last Thursday, and it felt odd to be back again so soon after Dexter, but, apart from being "a bit under the weather" it seems that Moses is OK (as far as we can tell - it's difficult to know with ratties, since they're so small). Anyway, he has some medicine (Baytril) to take, and I have a small syringe in which to measure how much to give him.

He was very good in the vets - much more sociable than the cats ever are, and very interested. Everyone who looked into his box said he was adorably cute - I think we're very lucky to have good vets and to live in a place where people are generally fond of animals of all descriptions - I've heard of people who have had trouble with ratties, but Moses just charmed everyone he met.

Anyway, I'm now less worried about him, and he's fine to be in the cage with everyone else I'm told, which is good, because he loves to curl up with Charlie, and Elijah is proving to be a very good nursemaid, giving him a wash when he's finding it too much like hard work.

He is, of course, an old man in rat terms (now 26 months), so I don't expect him to be in his prime. However, as with all our animals, I want to do the very best I can for him.

I've been a bit worried today, so got very little done. I think I'm still tired from last week and the weekend too.

The Wonderspouse is home now though, and we can settle in for a calm evening in front of the TV.

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