Complex Issues

I want to keep this simple. Well, now, that's a great way to address complex issues, isn't it! Two weeks ago, I had a sudden reaction in my sinuses and head when I walked in to Mother Comfort's house after the new carpet was installed and the furniture had been cleaned with Liquid Gold. On the surface, I believed it was an allergic response (reasonable to assume that) because it was intense sneezing, head filling with runny mucous *ewww* tissue around the eyes swelling. You know, that basic stuff that defines an allergy.

As the days progressed, my system demonstrated that it has become run down and the nerve endings on my back, the top of my head and particularly around my eyes have become very sensitive. (that particular symptom was a food allergy in the past) This photo describes how the skin feels, only it looks perfectly normal. After a few days of it, I expected a shingles like rash to emerge, but nothing ever has, yet the sensitivity seems to be increasing while the initial sneezing and runny nose subsided (sinus tissues still inflamed, though).

Today, it is consuming my thoughts and extremely distracting. Experience tells me there's nothing to do about it, but wait it out. Except the part where I have begun to think that there is an infection in my sinuses and also something I'm still allergic to, and want to figure out if there is anything I can do on my own to make both go away.

I'm getting tired of trying to concentrate through it and the last thing I ever wanted to do was spend a blipday describing it. This photo just screamed, "record these details, they match this photo so well". Didn' t you hear it saying that?

Now I've gone and done it...more sympathy. Yesterday, you were all very sweet!! Thank you for your expressions of love, and the depression part of feeling overwhelmed did pass quickly. I am doing fine in that department, but I am feeling less and less patient about this sensitive nerve thing. I feel like soaking in a pale of ice cubes!

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