Pics from Zone Flâneur

By paulperton

Lowrin' cloud and sunshine

The weather here has been threatening rain since before dawn. After taking Mrs F to the airport for a morning flight to Jozi (Johannesburg), I set off over the mountains to Caledon - time to get my permanent residence status recorded into my new EU passport.

The light and cloud was fantastic, but drizzle and busy roads made the opportunity to get a camera into use look pretty unlikely. Stamping done, I decided not to retrace my steps and opted for the untarred road from Caledon down to Hermanus through the Hemel en Aarde valley as my route back.

Bingo! About halfway down, I spotted this and quickly shot half a dozen frames before the sun got swallowed up behind the clouds. Old glass strikes yet again.

Nikon D2x, 50mm f1.4 Nikkor

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