My Speshal Things

By RiceysWifey

And so... My journey begins

Well this evening I went along to my local Slimming world group and joined up.

This isn't the first time I've done skimming world I did it in 2009 for approx 6months and lost nearly 3stone. Kinda gave up towards Xmas of that year and then thought I would manage on my own .... In may 2010 I fell pregnant and decided that slimming through pregnancy just wasn't for me so made a conscious decision that I would eat what I wanted through the pregnancy and for one year afterwards. As it happens Lexie (the baby) was born new years eve 2010 do this would mean my journey would start new years day 2012. I'm not one for new years resolutions so instead of it being *seen* as a resolution I allowed one extra month which brings us to today.

I won't b sharing my start weight.... I will be sharing my weight loss until I hit my goal and then and only then will I say what I weigh right now ..... All I can say is I'm absolutely mortified ;(

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