99 photos of Scamp

By 99fotos

22/99. Claiming...

some kind of right to this stick despite knowing fine well it was myself who found it no less than 30 seconds earlier

1/99. Waiting...
2/99. Guarding...
3/99. Finishing...
4/99. Expecting...
5/99. Dozing...
6/99. Clearing...
7/99. Ignoring...
8/99. Descending...
9/99. Preferring...
10/99. Seeking...
11/99. Arranging...
12/99. Vaulting...
13/99. Monitoring...
14/99. Touring...
15/99. Reflecting...
16/99. Enjoying...
17/99. Working...
18/99. Biting...
19/99. Standing...
20/99. Lying...
21/99. Snuggling...

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