B mused

By becah


So here it is, the last in the series. Some parts of this I really enjoyed, some days, when there was no time or the date/number was a bit obscure, it was harder to have fun....but I did learn a lot of possibly useless shit interesting information.

Joseph Paul Jernigan - (January 31, 1954 - August 5, 1993) was a Texas murderer who was executed by lethal injection at 12:31 a.m. In 1981, Jernigan was sentenced to death for stabbing and shooting 75-year-old Edward Hale, who discovered him stealing a microwave oven. Jernigan spent 12 years in prison before his final plea for clemency was denied. His cadaver was sectioned and photographed for the Visible Human Project at the University of Colorado's Health Sciences Centre. To find out more or see some great photographs click here.

Famous Birthday's
Justin Timberlake
Minnie Driver
Kelly Lynch
Jean Simmons
Carol Channing
Norman Mailer
Mario Lanza
Eddie Cantor

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