This is the only photo I've taken today, well I did take another but it was so blurry I couldn't use it.
Had one of those days where I feel I've been trying to catch up to the clock.
Went to see my sister, and got stuck in a heap of traffic, which made me 20 minutes late, she didn't mind as she and her husband are always late for everything, it's become a bit of a family joke.
So of course that meant I was a lot later leaving than I intended.
Quick dash to the supermarket to get some flowers and the ingredients for a chilli.
Back home to drop off the groceries, and to pick up some bread for the birds.
Then went to the cemetery to put the fresh flowers on Christian's grave. Haven't been able to go much this past week because of all the rain, and it is still very wet up there.
Had a dream about Christian last night. I was talking to someone, and he started to join in, we were all chatting away, when I looked up and saw him,
and I said, ' Yay, Christian's back again.' He smiled and disappeared. He looked different, he looked well and happy. I hope he is.
Anyway, on the way home I fed the ducks.
Finally got home, and realised it was lunchtime.
Decided I'd make the chilli, only to discover I didn't have any kidney beans, don't know how, I always have kidney beans.
As I'd opened up every door and window in the house, decided I wouldn't go out and get any until my husband got home because I couldn't bothered to shut them all again. And typically he came home later than usual.
Quick dash to the supermarket, again, dinner is finally made.
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