Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Royal Academy of Arts

I spent the morning in Calumet buying one terabyte of back-up storage for my files. The guy behind the counter smiled ruefully at me and said "That'll last you about a fortnight then" as I handed over my card. I'm becoming such a regular there, the sales staff are practically inviting me home to meet their families.

Back home, the drive mounts OK and I spend about an hour transferring over all of my pictures from February to the end of June. My Mac breathes an almost audible sigh of relief with all that off its mind and everything starts to work much more quickly.

After lunch I go to the bank and then to the RA clutching my fresh new press card. The Summer Exhibition is rarely worth spending good money on in past experience, but with my 'get in for free' card it turned out to be more interesting than I expected, with distinctive curatorial voices heard in each room.

My picture of the day is St George's Horse, by Michael Sandle RA, created in 2007 a recent addition to the courtyard.

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