All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Blast Off!

Today didn't get off to a good start. Hubbie & I car-shared this morning and as he dropped me off at work I said to him "I feel like I've forgotten something". As I reached my desk I realised what it was ... my laptop was still in his car! By the time I got hold of him, he had nearly reached his work. He wasn't best pleased when I told him he had to turn round and come back to my work!

Ethan didn't have a great start at nursery today either with a VERY bad nappy. So bad he needed a full outfit change and they had to wash all the clothes they took off him before putting them in a bag. It's a long time since that last happened!

This evening was better though. Ethan was on great form when we picked him up. In fact, he was rather too hyper and we thought we'd never get him to bed as he was so wide awake! But he was tucked up and asleep by 8pm, so that's not too bad.

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