Wistful moments

By KathM

Hot Chick....pea!

I've had a really satisfying day today. I've cleaned the house top to bottom, caught up with the washing and had a really good sort out of my chest of drawers. Only the wardrobe and bedroom cupboard to go!
When i stopped for lunch i did a bit of online retail therapy and ordered myself a Kindle. I've been toying with one for a while but after seeing a patient with one yesterday my mind was made up. Hopefully it'll be here tomorrow so i can have a play.
To round the day off nicely i rustled up a chickpea curry, one of the recipes from an Indian cookery class i did a few years ago. Phew, it has a kick....right up my street. Time now to relax and catch a film on tv whilst doing a bit more of my tapestry. :-)

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