It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab


It is sooo cold today. I went for my play at the cricket ground this morning and it was a blizzard! To be honest I didn't really notice as I was running after my ball and playing with all my doggie friends but my coat did turn a funny white colour!

Mum tried to get pictures of me with her phone but they were all blurry because I didn't stop moving! There is no snow on the floor for me to play in though :-( it has turned to rain now.

Mum was freezing so we didn't stay for ages but I did get a really good run and play. Then when I got home I went straight on the furry beanbag and not on the sofa! So mum wrapped me up in my blanket to snuggle me up for my snooze :-)

I hope everyone is keeping warm

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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