Not happy!

My owner, Ann, is not happy?! This is going to be a bit of a 'RANT' blip?!

Firstly she doesn't feel very well. She is aching all over and thinks she must have used muscles on our very long muddy walk on Saturday that she didn't know she had. However her neck & throat are also sore so she thinks she might be getting flu?! Oh no! Who will take me on my walks if she can't go out?

Secondly our internet connection has not been working properly for about three days. It keeps telling us; we're not connected, we are connected or we have limited access. Sometimes we can look at a blip but then it won't let us write a comment, sometimes we can't look at a blip and sometimes we write a comment but it won't post it. BLIPPERS we are not ignoring you. This is NOT a Blip problem. We've had problems with other stuff.

So today, this is a blip of me in our home office area. And what do you see? You see a BT hub with three blue lights. So our wifi should be working - right? Wrong?!

Yesterday Ann phoned BT and after about 5 mins of pressing buttons she got through to 'a real live person' that she couldn't understand in a call centre in India. At which point the internet connection decided to work perfectly. Brilliant! Except it's not brilliant because Ann was made to feel like some stupid crazy woman who didn't know what she was talking about. Well, actually when it comes to technology she doesn't know what she's talking about.

Anyway we don't even know whether this blip is going to post. There's a little yellow triangle thing with an exclamation mark in the bottom right hand side of the laptop and it's telling us we have no internet connection. That could change by the time we've finished typing this rant though.

So what should we do?

Today - this is what we're going to do and what we're not going to do:

1) Watch 'Jeremy Kyle' - good for getting our own problems into perspective?!

2) Clean the house - well if Ann insists on taking me to the beach to play there's always a lot of sand to hoover up. Also my duvet needs washing 'cos it's a bit stinky.

3) Ann usually goes swimming on a Monday morning but she's not going to do that because she's not got enough energy.

4) This afternoon Ann is 'exam invigilating' and then when she comes home she'll need to take me for my walk.

5) I suppose Ann's going to have to phone BT again. That is not a prospect she's looking forward to.

Ann has just had a good idea - for my afternoon walk I'm going to go along the beach and then we're going to pop into the office at St Ives Holidays and ask her colleague,the lovely Simon, if he'll pop in on his way home and see if he can solve all our problems?! We will tell him that we will ply him with wine to make the proposition seem more attractive?!

YAY! By tonight all our internet problems might be solved.

............................Now we just need some magic to stop Ann feeling so c***!

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