
A slow start this morning and went out along the road towards the tip of the peninsula. In my younger days I would run right to the end and back, about 18 km. This morning I went a much shorter distance. S has suggested to me that I take a picture of roadside wild flowers to post. The reality is that there are not many on the sides of this road. Lots of agapanthus, and lots of this white flower, the name of which I know not. What I do know is that few of the roadside wildflowers in New Zealand are native. I think this one is Australian.

There was a better dash of colour on the other side of the road near where I took this picture. However, my sense of humour was tickled by the instruction to not shoot (guns) and here I was taking a shot (with a camera).

The sign is not well seen from the road, and it looks well weathered. I guess it has been successful in discouraging duck hunters during the season which runs from the beginning of May. Or alternatively, hunters have disobeyed it as gaily as did I this morning.

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