
...pointing in different directions on the cactus plant

which direction will you go? what direction do you follow?

this grabbed my attention two-fold: i thought it looked cool because of the abstract quality... and also due to the message it portrays. the one that asks what we might do with our lives - the path we follow... the direction we take in life - how we choose to walk. it made me think of the various roads i've traveled over the years...

how arrows can point us in both good and poor directions depending on our choices... i believe in the power of prayer to help guide me - so always have hope that the arrow or path i pick is the proper one - or the right one... doesn't mean it's the easy one or without struggle or that i don't make mistakes... but it did make me ponder for a minute about the directions my life has gone - and in the midst of everything, how grateful i am for what i have - the people who are in my life... the things i own, too - and the simple moments i get to enjoy all the time... and how much it really does make for...


happy day.....

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