My precious guitar
Ever since I was a little girl-scout I've loved the sound of the guitar. And somewhere along the way, as I got older, I dreamed that I could sing and play the guitar. It was not a great, visionary dream, but more of a subtle one. Whenever I heard someone play the guitar, I would get this nice feeling in my heart, as if at that moment everything was just perfect. But I never actually thought I was going to own a guitar, and therefore it came as a total surprise, when on my 35th birthday, my husband gave me a guitar. Oh, and such a beautiful instrument! I almost startet crying, I was so moved by this present.
Shortly thereafter, there was this evening course in guitar playing, and I registered, very happy at finally being able to learn how to play on the instrument I had favorited all those years. The first lessons were fine, but then, at the same time as the lessons got more difficult, I got very busy at school. I was a student at the University, and during this period we had a lot of written assignments, that had to be delivered in time. I also was the mother of three children, and that does includes a lot of work, as everybody know. So I kind of gave up on the guitar lessons. And for many years my guitar was locked down in a box, and became a bit "out of sight, out of mind" thing. But not so long a go, I decided to rescue it from the storage box, and hang it on the wall in my study. There it is now, and it makes me feel good, just looking at it. It makes me feel even better to sit with it, and let my fingers ever so gently play the strings. I like the sound, even if it's just that, a sound.
Recently though I found some guitar lessons on the internet, so maybe, just maybe, someday I will be able to truly play my guitar :)
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