LocalBoy & His Fotographs

By stevenbirrell


Having a bit of a dip in inspiration this weekend on the blip front. Haven't really felt like taking many photos, a feeling I am sure will pass once some of the other stuff knocking about in my head sorts itself out.

This is Inchmickery, one of the uninhabited islands in the Firth of Forth. Photo taken from the path just before Silverknowes beach with Fife coast in the background. Cramond Island is just along to the left of here and I quite fancy a photography trip out there. Technically not an island and at low tide there is path that leads right out to it. But at high tide, the island is completely cut off from the mainland and you have a 2-3 hour window to get out, explore and get back. Unless of course you fancy pitching the tent and staying the night - which I think might be quite cool.

This was taken just after we'd had Sunday lunch at a nearby carvery. Was very filling and I've only just had a late supper now.

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