Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Upside Down

Had a day going around Chambers Woods today, the woods in which I spent my childhood. The house next door to my childhood home is up for sale, and I'd love to buy it. Sadly Mundays Estate Agents aren't big on taking Monopoly money and cheeky grins, so I guess it'll stay as pie in the sky.

This shot was taken looking into a pond, and the idea was perhaps borrowed a touch from the more creative influence of Miss B. However she didn't bring her laptop here and I got in first. Schweet.

Went for an Indian last night and on the way there I was pulled by the filth. I've got a light out at the back of my car (and one at the front as well) and so they decided to pull me over for a nose round. On top of that my two front tyres are below the legal limit, so it's all expense for me over the coming few weeks. The rozzer didn't do me for the tyre as he hadn't got his depth measuring gizmo with him. However he did give me a default notice for my lights. Obviously got nothing better to do etc etc.

In fairness he was alright and he did let me off the tyres (with a gentle warning). I can't complain as my light has been out for some time.

In other news I'm not able to access my 40" HD screen of joy this evening, despite having acquired three new Xbox games to play with. Why? Well it's because of my recent upgrade from 'single' to 'in a relationship'..... apparently this sort of upgrade does have pitfalls. At this present time my TV is displaying something called Birdsong, which appears not to have too many birds singing in it. I figure that as I had a steak dinner cooked for me earlier (and I just want 'er indoors to be happy) I'd forgoe my rights to my own tele in my own living room and make some fun of my own. In the meantime my cherish other half (who thinks that an oak tree is a 'make' of tree) gets to watch her programme for a bit.

I'm all heart me.

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