Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones


Basil on the window sill.

It's going in tomorrow's dinner. It's flowering - does that mean I can somehow get the seeds out and plant more basil?

When I look at my basil, I think of my sister and her husband in Russia. I think of st Basil's cathedral.

For some strange reason, I have suddenly flipped from wanting to de-saturate all of my images, to wanting them full of colour. I can not think why. My eye has decided that that is just what it wants, for now. Someone was chatting to me (the conversation was tomorrow; this is a back blip) about delving in to what it is about an image that makes it speak to you - getting to the heart of why something moves you. His words made me think about all the time I spent on my art therapy course, (as yet incomplete...maybe one day) and about a book I once read that talked about 'what the eye likes'. (can't remember the author's name but I referenced it in my blip bio. It begins with an M). So if I delve in to the depths of my psyche... why oh why does my eye suddenly like vibrant colour after months and months of liking things to be muted and faded? I do feel more positive about things these last few days. Maybe i'm being less nostalgic due to the house move - maybe thinking about the new addition to the family is urging me to look to the future rather than keep my head stuck in the past. Maybe the new challenges of toddlerhood are thrusting me into the present moment, where I have had a tendency to get lost in a sea of reminiscence. Whatever the reasons, I am certainly very glad to be feeling more 'present', more here. My Boo needs me to be here, now. He needs me to be more engaging than I have been in recent months (possibly due in part to morning/all day sickness and general pregnancy exhaustion). My marriage benefits from me being more emotionally present, too. I feel like shouting 'I am back'! Aptly timed with getting back online. Uh-oh! What if being less connected online is what has made me more connected in real life? Maybe I need to be more disciplined with my internet time. It probably has played a part.

I also think that having to keep Boo quarantined for a few days (thanks to possible impetigo but I think it was actually just chapped lip), I have spent a lot more one to one time with him than usual. While I initially thought of this as a burden, it became a blessing. I feel like we understand each other a little better. I am gradually learning to speak toddler.

Enough for 'today' - I still need to blip tomorrow.
Bye bye X

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