
By Hayls

Have you heard the one about the nun...

...the penguins, the crane, the fox, the swan and the moon?

No, nor have I.

I blame my son for my idling a Sunday afternoon away doing mountain folds, valley folds, waterbomb bases and other very technical things that you non-professional origami types wouldn't know.

My boy decided he wanted to try the ancient art of origami so I dutifully visited the library, borrowed 'Origami - the complete guide to the art of paper folding', nipped to Hobby Craft for some stupidly priced squares of coloured paper and sat him down at the table, opening the book at page one.

My boy - Are you kidding? I can't do that!
Me - You will sit in that chair and make a sodding penguin if we have to sit here until midnight.

Note the rather sullen looking black and white penguin on the far left. That's my boy's.

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