One Day Like This

By sennema

Take off

Normally you probably wouldn't associate yoga with 'no pain, no gain' but today's session made me hurt and almost faint. After the relaxation however I felt great, especially when I walked home and the weather was stunning. Sat down on a bench for a while and observed the pigeons of Delfshaven. This one was obviously determined to take to the sky, so I kept my camera ready to shoot.

I used my new energy (and hormones, it's the one time of the month I actually like cleaning) to clean the house. It might also have been a premature spring cleaning. In the evening we visited the Film Festival for Le Havre, a brilliant film even J. liked (he's not a Film Festival kind of guy). Afterwards I met up with a friend for a few beers. I'm afraid all the cleaning of my body I did during yoga was undone by the alcohol, but it was definitely worth it.

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