Constant Exposure

By constant

Ace and HDR Again...

I can't seem to pass up the chance to photograph the Ace. Here I wanted to show the huge coffee table in the lobby. Again, I took three exposures and combined them in Paint Shop Pro's HDR merge feature. This allows me to get an overall even exposure and avoid having a blown out window and street. The draw back is t hat it's hard to get a sharp image when taking the exposures handheld. If I used a tripod and told everyone to stay perfectly still.... but that only gets you frowns and one-finger salutes (and rightly so).

Here is the normally exposed image. You can see that there are a lot of over exposed areas and spots.

The big event of the day was my Canon G9. It died. No idea why. Probably a chip or contact broke. Thankfully it's still under warranty. Have to figure out how to get it serviced. Oh joy!

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