All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Making gingerbread men

We had a jam packed Saturday today!

Hubbie was on "early shift" today - fortunately for him, Ethan decided to lie-in till 7.30am so his shift didn't start too early. In fact, hubbie ended up getting up before Ethan even woke up while I curled up in bed and dozed till 8.45am. Bliss!

I then took Ethan to his weekly gymnastics class. He was great today. Ok so he still wouldn't sit still during the songs at the beginning and wanted carried round the walking song. However, after that, he played on the gym apparatus really well. He even managed to do some things I've not seen him manage before such as climbing over the horizontal ladder properly all by himself (over and over) and also climbing up a vertical ladder, putting his hands on the bar and swinging for about 30 seconds before dropping to the mat. He loved it!

We then went to the library at East Calder to return and renew some books. Ethan found a Peppa Pig book in the kids section which he decided he wanted to take out. He even went up to the librarians desk all by himself to give it to her to stamp for him!

Then back home for lunch which hubbie had got ready for us.

After that, the 3 of us made gingerbread men. What a mess it created, but it was great fun!

Hubbie then drove me down to The Centre as I wanted to buy some new clothes for my girlie weekend away next week. I spent 2 hours down there before walking back home. When I got back just after 5pm, Ethan was curled up, fast asleep on hubbies chest, just like he used to do when he was a wee baby.

I came upstairs to do 4 hours of overtime. We didn't let Ethan know I was back, otherwise he'd want to come and sit on the computer with me. However, at bedtime hubbie phoned me so Ethan could "chat" to me on the phone and say night night. Awww!

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