
Very cold day today brrrrrrr! Got up early enough, sporting commitments don't allow long lazy lie-ins. Mrs W did the driving and I stayed in the warm to "do admin". Despite my best intentions and numerous lists I didn't even go to the shops.

It's been an odd week. I struggled for a blip every day, then on Thursday I thought - I'll take a blip on the way to work. Great idea, it's in the can and then I don't have to creep around the house as midnight approaches. That evening Hugo wanted photo's galore! I was spoilt for Blips.

Then Friday nothing....and today quite difficult.

Oh well, this little lady sits in the garden by the roses. She's about 2' tall - thats 600mm in new money. She's there in all weathers with a face of serene beauty and never complains about her lot (I now await a chorus female voices).

I was inspired to paint a statue with light by this by Flashead. It hasn't come out the same but I find it very instructional seeing the way light from different directions affects the subject.

Hope your all keeping warm.

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