
By rat


What a contrast to last Saturday! No wind, clear skies and no people (though was glad of the other people last week).
Went up Glen Doll, walked up toward Bachnagairn but turned off to climb very steeply up to Cairn Broadlands. Then a high level walk NW before heading down to Jock's Road and back down to the carpark.
Not much snow but plenty of frost artistry - white grasses sparkling in the sun (photos didn't do them justice), frost stars on the mosses, icicles and frozen foam on the river - just beautiful.
As we neared the top there was a sundog and it was so pleasant to sit in the sun.
We also saw loads of deer, a mountain hare that I managed to get a photo of and a stoat when on the way home.
Expansive views and this one across to Lochnagar won my vote, I delayed taking it and was glad I had as the cloud had appeared and I like the way it spreads.

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