Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Yet again...

I got a marvelous shot of the sun, about 1/16 above the horizon, still trying for the two sun shots, though when the hell do we ever get to see it just now.

Shortly thereafter it was never seen again, in fact you could barely see across the road for fizzing frog sorry freezing fog to you few.
I could hardly see the length of any given street. Just as we were fed up of town, cuppa-ed up and ready for home we heard a nugly rumour that it was great weather out of town.

Unfortunately only one of us heard this and I didn't know till we were home and settled. By which time I'd seen this and the thought occurred to me that one of us wasn't able to tell the front of a car from the back.
To the front is a 2-3'' kerb then a 4' drop to a path the width of a door. You might park a bike there but certainly not a car, and the owner will be in DEAD LUMBER if he drives forrard.

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