Lazy day!

Long lie, no forms, just chilled and read for a bit was even brought tea & toast in bed, such luxury. Faffed about looking through my files looking for possible bridges etc for next week's competition. Why do I leave everything to the last minute?
Drove down to Glasgow with two of the dogs, left Sam at home as he likes to snuggle up in front of our nice roaring fire, no radiators or fake fires for him!
Stopped at Inveraray to grab a few shots in the failing light. When I downloaded them they were boring but I got some good advice from Furnaclass today about layers and though I still havnt a clue, I did manage to make some layers and follow her advice and I think the result is not too bad, its certainly better than my first stuff so thanks for the tip. I just need to practice a bit more.
Arrived in Glasgow and just had a fine Glasgow curry and will probably have a small Glayva to pass the night away while I read up on some blips. Bliss
Tommorw I go bridge hunting
Happy blipping all

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