Fowey to Charlestown

Normally on a Saturday my owner, Ann, works all day and I go to my dog sitters. So on the rare occasions when she has a Saturday off we like to do something fun together.

Today we walked more than 10 miles along the South West Coastal Path, from Fowey to Charlestown.

It's been a glorious day in Cornwall. The sun was shining and it was lovely and warm. First Ann took off her anorak, and then she took off her 'thin with all the warmth walking top' because it was making her too hot. She did most of the walk in just a Tshirt. Well obviously not just a Tshirt - she did have trousers on as well?! There were loads of people sitting in the sunshine on all the little beaches that we passed.

However, it may have been a lovely warm day but .......................... there's always a 'but' isn't there?

Today's walk has been really hard because about 90% of it was walking along paths that were incredibly muddy. Well I guess it has rained a lot in the last couple of months. But it wasn't even nice mud (if there is such a thing?). It was horrid, sticky, squelchy, slippy mud. We can honestly say that this has been the muddiest walk either of us have ever been on, in our whole entire lives.

We've had a lovely day but by the end of the walk we were both very, very muddy and very, very tired.

Ann says tonight will have to be 'Blip, Booze, Bed'??!!

By the way - just as we were starting our walk we got a text from 'Swaledale' to say they were going out on their skis so we're assuming there's snow in the North Yorkshire Dales?! Amazing to think that we had sunbathing weather and 400 miles north its Eskimo weather!

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