Inspired By Life...

By lauratelfer

Needles and sweeties...

Slow Mo Balloon Burstfor applied this morning i was trying out macro photography, i was initially going to do water droplets on glass with the sweets underneath, but after an hour of trying i couldn't get it to work, so i found some medical needles in the cupboards and decided to use these instead, this is a 5X magnification, the needle was absolutely tiny. I think i managed to worry my tutor a bit as i unpackaged the syringe, then the needle and got them correctly filled and put together in about 5 seconds (ive watched the nurses at hospital do it a million times) haha i was getting the "u sure u arent a junkie?" look.

Anyways i had a great time getting these photos and making a general mess, and i managed to not accidentely inject anyone with glycerine :D yay go me!

i also got this Slow Mo Balloon Burst on my new camera as one of the students in my class was trying high speed photography :D

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