Adventures of Emily Rose

By Emilyrose

It's flooding in F11.....again

Today was the laziest day ever! After my one class where I dislike almost everybody because they ask stupid questions, I went to lunch with Meg, Kara, and Liz. I got my measurements taken for the 3 time and they were different, again! When I got back, Liza and I pretty much did nothing but sat on the coach all day until I decided that it was time for a nap so I napped for 2 hours until the Ginger crawled into bed with me and I screamed. He then kissed me on the shoulder. I may have a disease and will be going to health services tomorrow to get that looked at.
As the title says, our house flooded for the 4th time this year. I honestly was about to kill the boys upstairs because they knew it was happening and didn't call anybody about it. So rude! If it happens again I will be bitching them out.
Jenny, Pat, and I went swimming were I felt like I wasn't moving but we did 2000 yards, not bad.

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