Can you tell what it is yet...?

Quite furry.
Very sweet.
And with a cold nose, judging by the way he's curled up.

It has been pretty nippy out today, but me and him were indoors when I took this one. Just very occasionally he goes a little camera shy.

To quote Mr Gordon Sumner, we have had practically all four seasons in one day today.

Cloudy, sunshine, rain, hail. Oh and powercuts after dark too. Unexpectedly interesting and slightly challenging when you have a group of children in a public building, other peoples children not mine, and the lights go out, then the emergency lighting comes on, thank goodness. They all thought it was much more fun to try to work in the semi-darkness. The children were not accustomed to see all the lights in the district go out leaving total darkness. I'm thinking that some of them may have never witnessed a powercut before. It's a while since I've seen one myself.

Harking back to this weather malarky and the predictions for it this weekend... just to let you know, I'm putting in a request for no snow this weekend in Lancashire.

I hope that's ok with everyone. There's somewhere I need to be, along with a bunch of friends, for which there has been much preparation and anticipation. I really do not wish for a large dollop of snow preventing us from getting there, even if my new wheels do have allegedly "intelligent" (?!) 4x4 capabilities.

I sometimes, just occasionally, wish for my old long wheel base Land Rover. That clever old thing would get me up some fabulously snowy inclines and I mean seriously steep, without having to worry whether I was actually on or off the road. It mattered not. I don't recall ever skidding along in that old crock and it would happily eat muddy bikes for breakfast without having to move a single seat. Yes, ok, what seats, I can hear you asking...! It was very useful for picking up boxes of flowers from the wholesale flower market too. Despite all its foibles, some of which were a bit rusty, it was still good fun, I'll have you know!

Nearly weekend.... : - )

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