Emma Kathryn Luther

By luther

What's going on?

I've been trying to figure out why I feel so out of sorts of late. Various ailments are niggling at me and I want to shake off feeling unwell. So I thought I'd think about what I've been doing of late and what's been going on.

It seems things started getting a little tricky from September when my ex boyfriend dumped me on my lunchbreak. Three weeks later my lovely housemate had to move out, 15 interviews to replace her kept me busy. A whole load of dental work following that was scary for a dentist phobic like me.
Suddenly my other lovely flatmate decided to move out too! Another 15 flat viewings every night after work was exhausting. Then work announced an office move 50 miles away! Stressed out doesn't even cover it.
Christmas and new year were a bit of a washout because I felt ill and pretty down. Then my new flatmate, who I adore, said he's leaving too. Another 12 flat viewings and everyone is virtually blurring into one!
The two and a bit hour commute to my new offices everyday is really tiring, the gales and pouring rain don't help, and tonight it was thick snowflakes coming down.
To top it all off my car has gone bananas making it too dangerous to drive, the hair raising journeys have all but had me in tears.

It would be great if there was a pause button. I've had more than my share of drama in five months, it feels never ending!

I just want to go and lie on a hot beach somewhere for a week to recuperate!

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